Neighboring countries of India and their imports, exports

 India has 9 neighbouring countries. These are—

[1] Bangladesh, [2] Myanmar, [3] Nepal, [4] Bhutan, [5] Pakistan, [6] Afghanistan, [7] Sri Lanka, [4] Maldives, [9] China.

India is surrounded by 9 neighbouring countries. It is bounded on the East by Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan,Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, and on the north by Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

India has a land border with 9 neighbouring countries. These include [1] Bangladesh,[2] Nepal, [3] Bhutan, [4] China, [5] Pakistan, [6] Afghanistan and [7] Myanmar.

West Bengal; [1] Bangladesh, [2] Nepal, [3] Bhutan—these three neighbouring countries touch the border. And Jammu and Kashmir: [1] China, [2] Pakistan touches the border of neighboring countries.

Neighbouring Nepal.__

The main agricultural crops of Nepal are rice, wheat,jute, tobacco, IndiGo, oilseeds, maize, pulses, sugarcane etc.  In addition, various types of fruits, such as oranges, pineapples, etc., are produced here. There are also Tea Gardens in Nepal.The products that Nepal imports from India are oilseeds, pulses, raw jute, leather etc.

The items Nepal exports to India are cars and car parts, cotton, chemical fertilizers, clothing, etc.

 India has land border with Nepal.Goods between the two countries are exchanged through Raxaul in Bihar, yogbani and Biratnagar in Nepal.

Neighbouring Bhutan.__

Bhutan imports from India.

Exports include paper, medicines, coal, steel, sugar etc. and goods like cardamom,fruits, jams, jellies, wool and woollen products.

The highest mountain in Bhutan is Kula Kangri. 17554 meters).

The longest river in Bhutan is the Manas (376 km). The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu.

Bhutan's agricultural commodities are cardamom, rice, wheat, maize, Potato etc.

Neighbouring Bangladesh__

Bangladesh imports goods from India They are coal, cotton yarn, steel, automotive, Railway engines, grain seeds, sugar, salt, chemical products, mineral oil, etc. Bangladesh exports to India Jute and jute products, betel nut, natural gas, cotton cloth, fish, leather, paper, tobacco, fish, etc. The highest peak of Bangladesh is Keokradong (height 1230 meters). The longest river in Bangladesh is called Padma-Meghna. One of the major ports of Bangladesh is located on the Bank of the Karnafuli River. [1] Chittagong, Bangladesh The main port. [2] Mangla (Chalana) is the second major port in Bangladesh.Besides, [3] Barishal, [4] Sadarghat (Dhaka) are other major ports of Bangladesh.

Neighbouring Myanmar.___

The goods that Myanmar imports from India are yarn and cotton, jute products, coal, steel, machinery,chemical products, paper, electrical equipment, etc. The products exported to India are:—

Noteworthy are rice, teak wood, tin, lead, precious stones, Tungsten, Silver, etc.Myanmar is rich in mineral resources. Important mineral resources such as mineral oil, tin,lead, zinc, manganese, Tungsten, Silver, precious gems Lotus,etc. are extracted here.   Myanmar is known as the land of teak wood.                 Because Myanmar is a forested country and its mountainous regions have evergreen forests and very valuable teak trees in that forest. Teak wood. 

Neighbouring Pakistan____

Pakistan imports mainly from India--Coal, tea, sugar, iron and steel, machinery, Fertilizers, Chemicals, kendupata (birpata) etc. The goods that Pakistan exports to India are  cotton, leather, wool, mineral salts, dried fruits, cement, etc. Wheat and cotton are the main crops of Pakistan—

Harvest. Apart from this, rice, sorghum, bajra, maize, sugarcane, tobacco and various types of fruits such as Apple, Vedana, grape, peach, palm etc. are produced in sufficient quantities here.

The highest peak in Pakistan is tirichmir (height 7,690Meters), the longest river Indus (332 km) and the capital It is Islamabad.

 Some of the canals of Pakistan are – [1] Irrawaddy River The doara Canal, [2] the upper and lower Chandrabhaga canals of the chandrabaga River, [3] the upper and lower Vista canals of the Vista river, [4] the Indus canal, etc.

Neighbouring Sri Lanka___

Sri Lanka imports from India Sugar, steel, coal, jute products, textiles, medicines, etc. Sri Lanka exports to India. These include cloves, cinnamon, graphite, leather, precious gems, etc. Sri Lanka is an agricultural country. Here are the main ones produced The agricultural crops are rice, tea, rubber, tobacco, coconut, cinnamon, cloves, corn, oilseeds, banana, millet etc.

Some of Sri Lanka's mineral resources are: In Sri Lanka a lot of graphite and a small amount of bauxite and Limestone is found. In addition, some valuable gems can be found here. For example, sapphires, sapphires and Lotus.

Cultivation of cinnamon


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